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Physical Location Preference for Different Types of IS/IT Task Work of Information Systems Professionals
Alex Citurs

Last modified: 2020-10-01


This study looks at physical work task location preferences of IS/IT professionals alumni of a northeastern university.  Analysis of the alumni survey respondents from (Summer 2020) examines their self-reported preference differences in working in different physical organizational settings, home locations, or other locations for common information systems professionals’ work tasks.  These include tasks such as: brainstorming, systems analysis and design, team/group meetings, complex analytical work, complex coding, and system review.  The survey results indicate that there are significant differences in work location preferences based upon the nature of task.  The study also examines respondents expected changes of amount of work time spent at different locations (organizational versus home locations) before, during and after the COVID19 pandemic as well as their top three ranked IS work tasks for performing in home settings and organizational settings.


information systems, task preference locations, task complexity, task collaboration, COVID19