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E-Sports in Higher Education A Distraction or No Problem?
Tabea Ohle, Jeananne Nicholls, Kurt Schimmel

Last modified: 2020-09-17


This paper addresses the call for e-sport research by Funk et al (2018).  E-sports has pushed itself into the elite sports realm with over $1 billion in revenue in 2019, over 250 million viewers worldwide (Pannekeet, 2019).   For comparision the PGA had revenue of $1.9 billion in 2019.  In 2018 the International Olympic Committee entertained adding e-sports to the summer olympics.   Colleges are also looking at e-sports as a growth area for competition. According to the National Association of Collegiate E-sports (NACE)  there are over 170 esport programs in colleges in the US  5,000 players and 13 million in scholarships/aide. This research looks at a pilot survey of collegiate e-sports participants and fans at one university in the mid atlantic region and examined whether there was a relationship between GPA and e-sports participation and viewership. The results of the suvey indicate that there is not a significant correlation between playing e-sports and GPA.  There was also no significant correlation between e-sports viewing and GPA. .  There was a significant positive correlation between e-sports viewership and participation.


Higher Education, Sports Marketing