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Emotional and Cultural Intelligences' Impact on Extra-Role Job Performance in Russia
Robert Engle, Nikolay Dimitriadi, Katarzyna Toskin

Last modified: 2020-05-15


A great deal of work has been done in recent decades examining the impact of emotional intelligence (EQ) and cultural intelligence (CQ) on extra-role behavior and job performance.  However, comparatively little of this research has used both EQ and CQ constructs when doing this.  In addition, the available research literature is virtually silent with regards to the relationships of these constructs in Russia.  Using the Thomas et al. (2015) model of CQ which separates motivational CQ from the Earley and Ang (2003) core CQ subconstructs, this study examines these relationships using a sample of 189 supervisory and non-supervisory subjects in Russia.  The results suggest that motivational CQ is an antecedent of both CQ and EQ, both of which significantly impact extra-role job performance along with the control variables of supervisory work role and the degree of daily interpersonal interactions.  EQ and CQ factors were also found to mediate the motivational CQ and job performance relationship.  In addition, necessary condition analysis was completed adding to model insights.  These results have potentially significant implications for current EQ-CQ model theories, which are discussed along with study limitations and need for future research.