NABET, NABET 2018 Conference

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Teaching Students to Find the Hidden Story: How Effective Research Techniques Can be Used to Develop a Complete Picture of the Market
John M Zych

Last modified: 2018-09-20


Digital data bases provide students with quick access to secondary data they can use to analyze the marketing environment.  Students need to be shown that primary data also is needed and that the crucial part of their analyses involves determining whether they have complete information and identifying what input is missing.

An assignment was developed requiring students to research a consumer product and find data to answer questions relating to the product’s current market conditions.  Students present their findings and discuss how they are supported by primary and secondary data sources.  A follow-up discussion is moderated by the professor to encourage the presenter and classmates to evaluate the findings with a critical eye and determine what data is missing.  The follow-up discussion enables the entire class to appreciate how expanding the scope of the research provides a more complete profile of the marketing situation. This process engages classmates, models the research process, and helps develop students’ creativity.

The conference presentation will illustrate this approach with examples from groceries and automobiles. Student reactions to the assignment also will be discussed.


marketing; education; marketing research