NABET, NABET 2018 Conference

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Fear and Loathing in the US: A Somber Journey to the Heart of the American Workforce
Brosh M. Teucher

Last modified: 2018-09-14


This paper examines a multi-dimensional trend that challenges both the US workforce and US organizations. The trend is composed of: Dope, Debt, Disease, Distraction, Disillusionment, Dumbing-down, and Delayed adulthood. The “Dope†dimension relates to the rise in use of both legal and illegal drugs.  “Debt†relates to the growing college and credit debt that is amassed by individuals. “Disease†addresses the rise of debilitating health conditions affecting both youth and adult populations.  “Distraction†refers to the increasing use and negative impact of technology on individuals’ cognitive, emotional, and social functioning. “Disillusionment†focuses on the negative shift in attitudes towards work, employment, and institutions. “Dumbing-down†identifies declines in performance in the K-12 and postsecondary education systems. Last, “Delayed adulthood†refers to the growing tendency of young adults to push the achievement of adult roles to older ages. Drawing on diverse disciplines and lines of research the paper proposes that individually, each dimension presents major challenges to the education, skill level, job-preparedness, and performance of the U.S. workforce. Furthermore, it is proposed that dimensions combined pose a significant threat to all American organizations and institutions. The paper concludes with a discussion of future business research and implications for management practitioners.


US Workforce; Human Capital