Call for Papers

Call For Papers


48th Annual NABETus Meeting

Peer-Reviewed Conference

Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center

Dates: October 23rd and 24th, 2025

The National Association of Business, Economics and Technology invites papers for presentation at its 48th Annual Meeting. The meeting provides an opportunity to present your research and discuss a variety of current issues in Business, Economics and Information Technology. This event is your chance to get involved with a dynamic, national academic organization. To be considered for the program, please submit one of the following:

  • An abstract (between 100 and 250 words), or
  • A proposal for a special session (e.g., economics of healthcare).

Presentations at the Conference can be based on either completed papers, or work that is still in-process.

To submit your Abstract or Proposal for the 48th NABETus Conference, please complete the submission process by clicking on this link:


Complete papers by authors who have also completed the conference payment/registration process that are submitted by September 23rd, 2025 will be eligible for the Best Paper Award.

Topics in the various disciplines of business, economics and information technology qualify for the conference.

NABET is a politically non-partisan organization. Therefore, papers that primarily focus on political, religious, gender or other societal/political topics will be considered inappropriate for the NABET Conference.

Papers presented at the Annual Meeting will be eligible for publication in the Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Conference Submission Deadline Extended to September 30, 2025

**Conference Fee Schedule (the following amounts are not proratable)

Early Discount


(Payment must be received no later than June 30, 2025)

Normal Conference Fee


(Payment must be received no later than September 30, 2025

Late Registration


If payment received after September 30th, 2025 you can present your paper.  However, it will not appear in the regular conference program, but it will appear in the Official Conference Program – to be published in January.



The conference fee includes five catered meals and the NABET Social. Make your room reservations soon, as the Penn Stater is a popular site and could sell out of available rooms. When you make your reservation, be sure to use the code NABE25A to receive the NABET discounted room rate.

If the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center (the location of the conference) is sold out of guest rooms, there are alternative hotels in State College: the Hyatt, Hampton Inn, Hilton Garden – all within 15 minutes of the Penn Stater.


The Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center

215 Innovation Blvd, State College, PA 16803


Hotel Information and Directions: CLICK HERE FOR HOTEL INFORMATION!


If you have questions or need assistance regarding the conference, please contact the



Conference Director:

David Jordan, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania


Conference co-Chairs:

Adnan Chawdhry, Penn West-California University
Amy Washo, Marywood University
Bradley Congelio, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania


NABET is also the publisher of a refereed journal (white-listed in Cabell’s) - the Journal of Business, Economics and Technology. Publication in the Journal of Business, Economics and Technology (JBET) is possible after successful completion of a double-blind review process. Submission to JBET is a separate submission process; separate from the NABET Conference. Information about JBET, including the submission process, can be accessed via the NABET website:; then click on Journal at the top of the Home Page; then click on the JBET Website link.

Submissions to JBET and submissions to the Conference Proceedings will be discussed at the Conference.



Start here to submit a paper to this conference.
Step one of the submission process