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State of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
Gerald Paul Wright

Last modified: 2021-02-25


Many businesses are leveraging augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to open new channels of customer service. In augmented reality, users interact with computer-generated artifacts integrated into their real-world view.  This is often accomplished through commonly use technology such as smartphones and tablet computers.  A more immersive experience is virtual reality.  Where the user is placed within a three-dimensional alternative environment; however, this immersive experience comes at the cost of more expensive technology, usually in the form of sensors and a helmet or visor.

Through this exploratory study, we will examine the current state of augmented reality and virtual reality.  First, we will discuss the present and near-future capabilities of AR/VR.  From there, we will briefly explore the market hype surrounding the technologies.   Then, we will study how widespread is the use of AR/VR within various business sectors.  The final result will be a set of action items for businesses that wish to implement AR/VR.


information technology, augmented reality, virtual reality