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“A Longitudinal Study of GenZ – Their “Fifth Truth” about their Workplace Values and Implications for Higher Education Career Ready Preparation”
Celia Lofink

Last modified: 2020-06-10


There are various terms used to describe the latest generation of Millennials – most popular being GenZ. In a recent report of the Chronicle of Higher Education (2019), Jeffrey Selingo wrote about the “New Generation of Students; How colleges can recruit teach and serve GenZ”. He found several distinct traits present specific to the GenZ that this researcher used as the basis of this current research. For example, Millennials are said to be attached to technology in comparison to all previous generations. They value their parents’ opinions and their core values are said to be more family and community oriented – with a sense of civic duty and intention to bring change to the world. This researcher will add further study of the literature to include research done on this GenZ millennial’s perception of their transition from college to career. Focus will be given specifically to what they view as their workplace values and the implications of career preparation programs during their time in higher education.

The researcher seeking these funds has been collecting data for the past six years on the concept named by the researcher as the millennial’s “fifth truth”. Beginning in the Fall of 2014 this researcher began collecting data from up to 100 students each semester using an assignment that was stated to the students as follows:

Watch a short video about millennials at work. (link was provided to students). The panelist in the video highlights FOUR truths about millennials. It's a new generation (say goodbye to the old Millennials Gen Xers and Ys and hello to GenZ)! You are a member of the GenZ - Post what you believe is the FIFTH truth about YOU as a Gen Zer - what do you want to tell the world is the most important truth about you at work?

The study analyzed the data collected based on the following two research questions:

Does the analyzed date confirm or reject current thinking regarding GenZ and their perceived workplace value? And,

Are there implications about innovations in teaching for ultimate career preparedness based on the conclusions regarding GenZ perceived workplace value?