Presentations and Authors

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Faculty Papers

Deliberative Dialogues on the Role of Business in Society
Susan Aloi, Joshua Ray, Glenn King, Jr.
An Integrative Model of Service Experience – Customer Value as a Missing Link Between Restaurant Quality and Behavioral Intentions
Gauri M Kulkarni, Mika Yrjölä, Hannu Saarijärvi, Timo Rintamäki, Johanna Joensuu
ESG and Shortfall Constrained Multiobjective Portfolio Diversification for Nonprofits
Gordon H Dash, Nina Kajiji
Restructuring of General Motors in Global Market: The Case of GM South Korea
Won Yong Kim, Sadie Paulsen
Martial arts industry: Literature review on martial arts participation
Woosoon Kim
Where’s the Cloud? Dire Impact of Missing the Cloud ERP Revolution
Edward C Keller, Carolyn LaMacchia
An Innovative Approach to Delivering the Business Capstone Course during the Winter Intersession
Robert S. Fleming, Michelle A. Kowalsky
The Asset Location Decision: A Canadian Study
Curtis Davis, Jonathan Kramer, John Walker
Walking on the Shoulders of Giants to Foster Entrepreneurship in Africa.
Christopher J. Speicher, Sr. Kevin Karimi, Caroline Millen, Melissa Saddlemire

Panel Discussions or Workshops

Business Analytics 2018: A Comparison of AI and Machine Learning to Parametric Data Analysis
Gordon H Dash, Nina Kajiji