NABET, NABET 2018 Conference

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Accounting - Our Numbers are Down: Are Millennial Students Afraid of a Challenge?
Karen Robinson

Last modified: 2018-10-10


This proposal is intended to incite a panel discussion of what to do about the decreasing enrollment in accounting programs. This researcher observed that students tend to change major from accounting to one they consider easier when a grade of B or higher is not earned in one or both introductory accounting courses. A discussion with instructors in the same department suggest like suppositions. The purpose of this research is to determine if other accounting programs are undergoing similar experiences and, if so, examine current literature to explore the bases for this issue and the recommended resolutions. The tools to success in accounting courses and careers are readily available; however, students apparently no longer enjoy the challenge of learning the key concepts that would likened them to a successful career in the field. The use of outcomes from this panel discussion may aid instructors in improving students’ success rates and increase enrollment in accounting programs.