NABET, NABET 2016 Conference

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READY. SET. GO! Are You READY For The New Technologically-Savvy Students?? Are You SET To Be Able To Walk The Talk?? What Are You Waiting For – GO!!
Darrell L. Steckler

Last modified: 2017-03-25


Do you fail at Facebook? Are you all atwitter when discussing the Twitterverse? When someone mentions Pinterest, do you lose interest? Is Instagram some sort of new-fangled cereal to you? Does hearing of “Google Plus†make you wonder, “Plus what?†Wonder why so much is made of SnapChat, which you think of as just a brief conversation. Messenger, Vine, Foursquare, Swarm, YouTube, Tumblr, ooVoo, Tindr, LinkedIn, the list goes on. For our incoming students these and others will be second nature to them. We need to have at least an understanding of what our students are using in their everyday lives. Can there be a way to pull them into the classroom conversations through our utilizing the very applications they are using today? Take a dip into the pool of social media, see how it is affecting your students in both positive and negative ways, and how the challenges SM presents can be handled.


Twitter; Social Media; Facebook; Classroom