NABET Officers and Executive Board

The National Association of Business, Economics and Technology (NABET), originally known as the Association of Pennsylvania University Business and Economics Faculty (APUBEF), was created in the late 1970s. It provided opportunities for economics and business professors to meet and discuss their research and controversial issues in business education. The original APUBEF charter is dated in 1976. Subsequently, the APUBEF conference with published proceedings became the platform to conduct APUBEF’s mission. In the mid-nineties, APUBEF began publication of the Pennsylvania Journal of Business and Economics.

In 2006, APUBEF was renamed to the Northeastern Association of Business, Economics and Technology (NABET) and subsequently was chartered as a non-profit corporation in Pennsylvania. In April 2019, NABET changed its focus from regional to national. The organization was renamed, and the Pennsylvania corporate registration was modified as the National Association of Business, Economics and Technology.

The Journal has also been renamed to the Journal of Business, Economics and Technology (JBET). JBET is a refereed journal, using a double-blind review process that has grown in quality and reputation and is white-listed in Cabell's Directory of Business Journals.

Over its history, the mission of NABET has been consistent: