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Steckler, Darrell Leslie, Adjunct Professor York College of Pennsylvania
Stubberud, Hans Anton, Buskerud and Vestfold University College
Sullivan, Ed
Thorson, James A, Southern Connecticut State University
Tu, Yanbin, Robert Morris University School of Business
Tuneva, Denista, Duquesne University
Wang, Jianfeng, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Webster, Elaine, <p>Villanova University</p>
Wibowo, Kustim, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Wibowo, Kustim, Information Systems and Decision Sciences department. Eberly College of<a title="Click to Continue > by mixidj toolbar" href="#50037079" class="sjuggtxxfu"> Business<img src="http://cdncache3-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png" alt="" /></a> a (United States)
Winneker, Joshua, Misericordia University
Woodall, Jefrey R, York College of Pennsylvania
Wright, Gerald Paul, Husson University IEEE
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