NABET, NABET 2015 Faculty Conference

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University Economic Development: The Case for an Entrepreneurial and Innovation Ecosystem
Kevin Jay Roth, Cindy Nellis

Last modified: 2015-09-23




The economic impact that a college or university has on a respective regional economy is well documented. This impact is normally demonstrated through studies that show spending patterns and multiplier effects from employment, operations and student influence. In addition, regonal impact is shown through contributions to workforce development and fullfillment of employment needs.


Beyond these direct economic effects, many universities today are considering the role they should play in facilitaing innovation, business development and entrepreneurial activitiy through direct interaction with individuals and business throughout the regional economy.  While this approach extends beyond the mission or scope of a traditional education and adcademic emphasis, this area is ripe with opportunities to extend university impact, provide "high impact" learning and educational opportunities and assist in improving the economic health of the surrounding region.


This paper explores the formation of a "center based" model for the development of an entrepreneurial and innovation eosystem at a small, state-owned university in western Pennsylvania. A structure is is presented that reinforces existing ecosystems elements and proposes new initiatives to establish a more conprehensive approach and system. It is belived that such a structure can offer significant contributions to regional prosperity while enhancing academic, learning, programming and funding opportunities. Emphasis is placed on the need for cultural change and "buy-in," collaboration, partnerships, technical assistance, and the apporpriate linkage to educational outcomes.


entrepreneurship and economic development