Journal of Business, Economics and Technology (JBET)


Welcome to the Journal of Business, Economics and Technology.

Please read the following information.  Then Register and Submit your manuscript.

Information about JBET as Noted in Cabel’s Directory:

Type of Review: Blind Review
No. of External Reviewers: 2
No. of In-House Reviewers: 1
Acceptance Rate:  35%
Time to Review:  4-6 Months
Reviewers’ Comments: Yes
Invited Articles: 0-5%
Fees to Publish: None
Submission Fee: $20  

ISSN: 2156-9444


JBET is a refereed journal that employs a double-blind review process. While theoretical works are encouraged, most published papers are empirical or pedagogical in nature. We accept submissions from researchers throughout the USA, as well as researchers throughout the world.

Manuscript Style: All submissions must use APA Referencing.

Please use the information below and the following website regarding APA referencing in all applications:

APA Formatting and Style Guide

  • All papers must be typed using 1.0 line spacing. Use 10-point New Times Roman font for the body of the paper and all headings including the heading for references. Use 1" margins at top and bottom and 1.25 left and right.
  • Single-space the text. Double-space between paragraphs.  Do not indent the first line of a paragraph. Use full justification.
  • Spell-check before sending the paper and correct all grammatical errors.
  • Submission Fee: $20 payable to: NABET

Please send check for $20 to:

            Dr. Adnan A. Chawdhry,   
            NABET Treasurer  
            P.O. Box 1796   
            Cranberry Township, PA. 16066 


  1. Start the manuscript with the FULL TITLE, centered in capitals, bold print. Following a space, each author and university should be identified, one author per line. No titles (Dr., Mr., Mrs., etc.) are to be used; nor should rank be indicated. Please, no fancy type styles other than ones specified. NO headers or footers, but page numbers should be incorporated.
  2. After the last author's name and affiliation, double-space, center, and type the heading ABSTRACT, bold and all caps. All papers must have an abstract of no more than 150 words, which provides a brief synopsis of the paper.
  3. The next heading is INTRODUCTION, bold and all caps. Double-space before and after. All major headings MUST follow this format. Secondary headings MUST be in bold print, left justified, first letter capitalized then lower case, with a space above and below each heading.
  4. Mathematical expressions and notations should be used judiciously, and all symbols should be identified.
  5. Tables should be arranged sequentially in the order in which the tables are first mentioned in the text and placed at the end of the manuscript. Type the word Table and its Arabic numeral flush-left at the top of the table, double-space, then type the table title flush-left above the table. The explanatory notes to a table such as probability tables, explanations of acronyms, etc., should appear below the table. Use the same 10-point New Times Roman font as used in the text and the tab function to construct the tables. If a "camera-ready" table is to be used, send the original and not a reduced copy for incorporation in the journal.
  6. Figures (such as graphs, drawings, photographs, and charts) must be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals, with their captions in the order they appear in the text. All illustrations must be camera-ready; photographs must be of professional quality, and drawings must be prepared in ink. Illustrations should be identified on the back in light pencil with the name of the author and the figure number.
  7. Footnotes and endnotes are permitted, but not encouraged. In most cases, the material they contain can be incorporated in the text. If footnotes are used, use the automatic footnote function (Control F7), and specify a Times New Roman 10-point font for the text. Endnotes should be in 10-point Times New Roman font and placed after the references.


When citing references in the text, please use parenthesis, author's name, comma and date of publication, i.e., (Wilson, 1996).  For up to three authors, cite each and use the "&" for "and", i.e., (Dawes, Dowling & Peterson, 1992).  For more than three authors, use the surname of the first author followed by "et al." comma and the year, i.e., (Cravens et al., 1988).  Multiple reference citations in parentheses should be arranged alphabetically and a semi-colon used to separate them, i.e., (Cravens et al., 1988; Dawes, Dowling & Peterson, 1992; Wilson, 1996). Text citations must correspond accurately to the references in the reference list.

  • References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript.  References by the same author(s) in the same order are arranged according to the year of publication, the earliest first.
  • American Psychological Association (APA) format MUST be used for the references.
    For more information and examples of APA formatting, please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Also, we recommend the following website as an excellent source on APA referencing:

APA Formatting

To see examples of published articles in JBET, please examine some of our past issues:

Archives | Journal of Business, Economics and Technology

Please see our Current Issue below.

Please follow the steps as indicated on the following check list and complete the Registration and Submission Process.


Current Issue

Vol 27 No 1 (2024)
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